How to manage your Education

Keeping an up-to-date profile with your latest education is crucial, as it enhances your attractiveness to potential employers.


  1. Tap the profile button located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap the Experiences tab on your profile page.
  3. Tap the Arrow button in the Education box.
  4. Add your education by tapping the Plus button located in the top right corner.
  5. Fill in the required fields and tap the Save button.
  6. To edit or delete data, tap the Edit button next to the education entry.
  7. In the edit mode, you can change any of the details, name, or expiry date.
  8. After making your changes, tap save to update the information.
  9. To remove the certification entirely, tap the Delete button.

Tips for Success

  • Use Descriptive Titles: When listing your qualifications, use clear and descriptive titles that quickly convey the value of each credential. For example, MBA in Strategic Management.
  • Relevance is Key: Only include education that is relevant to the type of job you are seeking. This helps to keep your profile focused and relevant to potential employers.
  • Emphasise Practical Applications: Whenever possible, link your educational achievements to practical outcomes such as projects, internships, or research that had tangible results
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